Welcome to my website !
Have you ever felt the presence of a deceased loved one? Did you hear him? Did you see her coming towards you with a smile? Did you feel his arm around your waist in a familiar gesture lived a thousand times during his lifetime? Did you communicate with her during sleep?
If so, it is likely that you have experienced an After-Death Communication (ADC). These spontaneous and direct contacts, allegedly initiated by the deceased, are the subject of my two most recent books Quand les défunts viennent à nous (2017) and Contacts spontanés avec un défunt (2021).
You will also discover, through my books and other writings, my work of 30 years in the field of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs).
In order to offer you an overview of death-related experiences, I also provide an introduction to End-of-Life Experiences (ELE), in particular to deathbed visions.
Current events
We have recently launched a website dedicated to the project:
“After-Death Communication Research Project”
You will discover:
- Publications resulting from the project
- Many videos and podcasts of the team members
- Our current surveys
- The News of the project
- A bibliography on ADCs
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your visit !
(click on any reference covers for more translations)
Collective work|| Contribution by Evelyn Elsaesser et al: Wie die Deutschen spontane Nachtod-Kontakte (NTK) erleben – erste Forschungsergebnisse| Schnittstelle Tod, Tagungsbeiträge des 8. Europäischen Seminars in Aachen, S. 19-41 | March 2024
Collective Work|| Les dimensions invisibles de la conscience | Chapter of Evelyn Elsaesser : De la difficulté à vivre une expérience impossible | Guy Trédaniel Éditeur | April 2024
Radio|| Evelyn Elsaesser is Samuel Socquet’s guest on Egosystème – interview devoted to After-Death Communications (ADCs) | RTS La Première| March 16, 2024, from 1 to 2 p.m.
Book Prize|| Evelyn Elsaesser’s book Spontaneous Contacts with the Deceased has been awarded the 2023 Scientific and Medical Network Book Prize| SMN| March 2024
Article|| On peut vivre un contact avec un défunt, même sans croire à la vie après la mort | Watson| October 2023
Book review || Spontaneous Contacts with the Deceased, p. 24-25 | Talking with Angel about Illness, Death and Survival, p. 34-35 | De Numine, Issue 75, Autumn 2023
Article|| Au-delà – Des morts qui nous veulent du bien | Générations| December 2023
(…see also Videos & Podcasts)
Freitag, den 22. November 2024, von 09:00 bis 17:00 Uhr | Die SNE-Tagung zum Thema «Phänomene in Todesnähe» | Hotel Olten, Bahnhofstrasse 5, 4600 Olten
Friday 12 to Sunday 14 July 2024 | Annual Gathering Scientific and Medical Network (SMN) | De Vere Latimer Estate, Buckinghamshire (UK)
Sábado 29 Junio 2024, 19-20:30 H España | Evelyn Elsaesser – ¿Pueden nuestros seres queridos fallecidos comunicarse con nosotros? Hallazgos de una investigación multilingüe | Scientific and Medical Network en Español