Collective work|| Contribution by Evelyn Elsaesser et al: Wie die Deutschen spontane Nachtod-Kontakte (NTK) erleben – erste Forschungsergebnisse| Schnittstelle Tod, Tagungsbeiträge des 8. Europäischen Seminars in Aachen, S. 19-41 | March 2024
Collective Work|| Les dimensions invisibles de la conscience | Chapter of Evelyn Elsaesser : De la difficulté à vivre une expérience impossible | Guy Trédaniel Éditeur | April 2024
Radio|| Evelyn Elsaesser is Samuel Socquet’s guest on Egosystème – interview devoted to After-Death Communications (ADCs) | RTS La Première| March 16, 2024, from 1 to 2 p.m.
Book Prize|| Evelyn Elsaesser’s book Spontaneous Contacts with the Deceased has been awarded the 2023 Scientific and Medical Network Book Prize| SMN| March 2024
Article|| On peut vivre un contact avec un défunt, même sans croire à la vie après la mort | Watson| October 2023
Book review || Spontaneous Contacts with the Deceased, p. 24-25 | Talking with Angel about Illness, Death and Survival, p. 34-35 | De Numine, Issue 75, Autumn 2023
Article|| Au-delà – Des morts qui nous veulent du bien | Générations| December 2023
Book review|| Contactos espontáneos con un fallecido [review in Spanish] | Boletín Electrónico de Parapsicología Vol.18, No.2, Mayo 2023, Instituto de Psicología Paranormal | May 2023
New book|| Le Pays d’Ange : Roman | Les Presses du Midi| April 2023
Article|| Les expériences vécues aux approches de la mort et autres expériences dites paranormales – Entretien entre le Dr Hubert Larcher et Evelyn Elsaesser | published on the website of Institut Métapsychique International (IMI) | June 2023
Article|| Percevoir une défunte aide-t-il le deuil ? by Evelyn Elsaesser | published on the website of – Revue d’information sociale | July 2023
Interview|| Le vécu subjectif de contact avec un défunt – Un entretien d’Evelyne Josse avec Evelyn Elsaesser | Resilience Psy | 8 November 2022
New book|| Contactos espontáneos con un fallecido: La realidad de las VSCD (Vivencia Subjetiva de Contacto con un Difunto) | Ediciones Urano/Kepler | 15 November 2022
Interview|| Plus de 50% des gens sont contactés par un défunt: “Pour eux, c’est réel” | Watson | 4 November 2022
Interview|| Contacts avec nos défunts – Un entretien de Marcelin Willems avec Evelyn Elsaesser | La journée commence par le rêve | September 2022
Interview|| Spontane Nachtod-Kontakte – Ein Gespräch von Prof. Enno Edzard Popkes mit Evelyn Elsaesser | Kieler Akademie für Thanatologie | September 2022
Interview|| Auch das gibt es: Nachtod-Kontakte wissenschaftlich untersucht | Forum Dunkelbunt e.V | 24 July 2022
Article || Phänomenologie und Auswirkungen von spontanen Nachtod-Kontakten (NTK) – Forschungsergebnisse und Fallstudien – Zeitschrift für Anomalistik, Band 22 (2022), S. 36–71 | 28 June 2022
Article (Book chapter)|| L’impact des vécus subjectifs de contact avec un défunt (VSCD) sur le processus de deuil par Evelyn Elsaesser | Chapter of the collective work “Les dimensions invisibles de la conscience, la mort et le deuil”, coordonné par Evelyne Josse et Martine Struzik, 2022, Editions SATAS (
Book|| Les dimensions invisibles de la conscience, la mort et le deuil | Collectif work ed. by Evelyne Josse and Martine Struzik | Chapter drafted by Evelyn Elsaesser : L’impact des vécus subjectifs de contact avec un défunt (VSCD) sur le processus de deuil (p. 257-284) | March 2022
Interview|| In German with Evelyn Elsaesser conducted by Jana Hermann (Part 2) | 30 December 2021 |>> Videos/Audios
Interview|| With Evelyn Elsaesser conducted by Noël Van Herreweghe| | 28 October 2021 |>>Videos/Audios
Booklet|| Dutch translations of the main findings of the research project Phenomenology and Impact of spontaneous After-Death Communications (ADCs) – “Research findings“ and “Cases“ | December 2021
>>Info : Cases | Research Results
Book|| Spontane Kontakte mit Verstorbenen : Eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung bestätigt die Realität von Nachtod-Kontakten | Evelyn Elsaesser | September 2021
Virtual Conference|| Dialogue avec l’Invisible – Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2021 at 8 p.m.
>>Live on Editions Trédaniel's Facebook and YouTube pages
Interview|| A one-hour interview with Evelyn Elsaesser |Anomalistik Podcast #3: „Nachtod-Kontakte“ with David Garcia, Gesellschaft für Anomalistik | Tuesday 3 August 2021
Interview|| A one-hour radio interview with Evelyn Elsaesser |IDFM Radio Enghien “Au-delà du miroir” with Joëlle Vérain | Monday 21 June 2021 |>> More under Videos/Audios
Interview|| An interview with Evelyn Elsaesser | Programm “Les Chemins de l‘Intuition” with Sylviane Jung | Tuesday 8 June 2021 |>> More on Videos/Audios
Interview|| A 1h face-to-face with Evelyn Elsaesser | Programm “Les Chemins de l’inexploré” with Philippe Rosset | Tuesday 8 June 2021 |>> More under Videos/Audios
Interview|| A one-hour face-to-face with Evelyn Elsaesser | On ABC TALK PRODUCTIONS with Marc Leval | Thursday 27 May 2021
Book|| Contacts spontanés avec un défunt | Evelyn Elsaesser | April 2021
Article|| Quand les défunts nous (é)veillent | Inexploré | March 2021
NB: This article is excerpted from the magazine Inexploré n°50 published by the INREES.
Article|| VSCD : parler aux défunts peut-il aider à mieux faire son deuil ? | Médecines Extraordinaires | March 2021
TV Interview|| A one-hour face-to-face set with Evelyn Elsaesser | On BTLV TV | Friday, 19 February 2021 at 11 am
Books|| New edition of “Was wir aus Nahtod-Erfahrungen für das Leben gewinnen“, Kenneth Ring and Evelyn Elsaesser | Paperback and Kindle, 1st ed. Crotona Verlag | Sept. 2020
>> Check
Audio|| “Message of Hope” by Suzanne Giesemann, in English | On The Other Side of Life | 2020.X.22
>>Videos|Audios Slider tag
Audio|| “Paradoxon-Episoden” by Michael Caplazi, in German | After-Death Communications | 2020.X.19
>>Videos|Audios Slider tag
Publication|| Foreword by Evelyn Elsaesser for “D’une âme à une autre” by Florence Tassoni, Editions Exergue – January 2020
Article|| Spontan mit dem Drüben verbunden – Glücks Post, April 2020
Release|| « Nachtod-Kontakte – Spontane Begegnungen mit Verstorbenen », with a foreword by Pim van Lommel, 2020 edition – German translation of [Quand les défunts viennent à nous]
Article|| in German “ Dieses Erlebnis werde ich nie vergessen : Ein Bericht über aussergewöhnliche Erfahrungen rund um den Tod“ | Vorarlberger Nachrichten, 30 October 2019
Article|| in Italian in B Hop Magazine on the Rome Conference « I defunti nella nostra vista »
Books|| New versions of “Quand les Défunts Viennent à Nous” : German (Nachtod-Kontakte), Italian (Contatti dopo la morte)
Book Review|| E-Boletin Psi Instituto de psicología paranormal – Cuando los difuntos nos visitan, May 2019
Article|| After-Death Communications – Paradigm Explorer, Scientific and Medical Network – 2018/3
Radio interview|| Entrevista por “Cita Internacional”, RCN Radio de Colombia, 8 Diciembre 2018
Videos|Audios section -> RCN Radio de Colombia | 2018-December
New Audio recording Conference|| Festival de l’extraordinaire INREES – 12 June 2018
Videos|Audios section -> INREES - Fest. de l'Extra. | 2018-June
New Review|| Contacts Au-delà : les VSCD – Inexploré, Oct.Nov.Dec.-2018
New Article|| Les messages de l’espoir : les VSCD (2ème partie) – Parasciences, September 2018
New Interview|| Entrevista a Evelyn Elsaesser, autora de ‘Cuando los difuntos nos visitan’
New Release|| “Cuando los difuntos nos visitan” : a Spanish translation of [Quand les défunts viennent à nous]
New Article|| Au-delà de nos croyances: les VSCD – Revue Recto Verseau, September 2018
New Article || Les messages de l’espoir : les VSCD (1ère partie) – Parasciences, juin 2018
Download Article
New Radio interview|| “Radio Fréquence Evasion” – La Clef du Mystère, December 2017
Interview with Evelyn Elsaesser by Alain Plaisant.
New Radio interview|| “Egosystème” – Florence Farion, Radio Suisse romande la Première – November 4, 2017
Please check the "Videos" section and title "Quand les défunts se manifestent".
New Video|| “Quand les défunts nous font signe” – A FRANCE 2 report – October 10th, 2017
New Radio interview|| “Au-delà du miroir” – IDFM Radio Enghein – October 9th, 2017
Please check the "Videos" section and title "Quand les Défunts viennent à nous".
New Article|| Coup de cœur – Recto-Verseau – Sept. 2017
New Edition|| “Quand les défunts viennent à nous”
Publication of the 2nd edition of « Quand les défunts viennent à nous ». Original edition published on 7 April 2017.
New Article|| Quand les défunts nous offrent leur force | Horoscope – 17 juin 2017
New Article|| Inexploré – Vivre un contact avec un être cher après sa mort. 3 Questions à Evelyn Elsaesser
INREES – Comprendre le vécu subjectif de contact avec un défunt (VSCD) – Best excerpts
Histoires VSCD | Entretiens Scientifiques
INREES TV BEYOND|| Interview with Evelyn Elsaesser conducted by Stéphane Allix
Video If you wish to view the full 60-minute interview, you might consider subscribing to INREES TV (Euro 6.90 / month) and discover INREES Web TV.
BTLV Bob Toute la Vérité|| Grand témoin : Evelyn Elsaesser | Broadcast 21 April 2017
°Program L'actu, la rédac et vous | Web TV & Radio : Paid Access Teaser
Youtube// Zu Besuch bei Evelyn Elsaesser | Interview on After-Death Communications
° Video
LATEST Release|| “Quand les défunts viennent à nous” | March 2017 – Exergue
NEW Release// “Mamma, papà , vedo la luce: una esperienza oltre i confini della vita” [X.2014]
NEW Release// Of the Serbian translation of “Talking with Angel” [December 2012]
---- Release of the Serbian translation of Talking with Angel about Illness, Death and Survival [December 2012]
NEW Release// Of the 9th Turkish edition of “Talking with Angel” [December 2012]
---- Release of the 9th Turkish edition of “Talking with Angel about Illness, Death and Survival” — December 2012
DOCUMENTARY// With my participation – June 10 at 8.45 p.m. on Direct 8
---- An NDE documentary : — “Ils sont revenus de l'au-delà : Enquàªte et témoignages sur la vie après la mort” — will be broadcasted on June 10 at 8.45 p.m. on Direct 8. Teaser
CONFERENCE// At the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, Hong Kong [August 5 2012]
---- — Lecture of Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino on the subject “Lessons from the Light: What NDEs teach about Life and Death” Program / Introduction Program / Application Form
NEW Release// “Schnittstelle Tod – Warum auf ein Danach vertrauen ?” [April 2012]
---- — Proceedings of the Conference of Aachen, November 12 2011 — Ed. by Prof. Dr. med. Walter van Laack.
TRANSLATION// “Des Nouvelles de l’Au-delà ” [November 2011]
---- "Hello from Heaven" (Des Nouvelles de l'Au-delà ) : — A book written by Bill and Judy Guggenheim, with an introductory chapter by Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino — Translation into French by Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino.
CONFERENCE// At the parish in Nidau, Switzerland [March 6, 2012]
-- NDE Lecture of Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino in the context of a series of four lectures on the subject “So close to death – when the soul leaves the body”
NEW Article// Visionen ernst nehmen ! [Pflegezeitschrift, Jg. 64, Heft 9, 2011]
---- Visionen ernst nehmen ! : Erweiterte Bewusstseinszustände bei Todesnähe – ein Überblick für Pflegende [Pflegezeitschrift, Jg. 64, Heft 9, 2011] Read the article : Visionen ernst nehmen! (Pflegezeitschrift - 2011)
CONFERENCE// “Schnittstelle Tod – Warum auf ein Danach vertrauen ?”, Aachen – [November 12, 2011]
---- At the Conference, Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino — gives a lecture under the title: "Bewusstsein der Todesnähe und Sterbebettvisionen" — and animates a worshop on the subject: "Tröstliche Erscheinungen kurz vor dem Tod: Austausch über...
CONFERENCE// University Hospital in Ulm, Germany “Palliative Care” [March 30, 2011]
---- Academic Conference at the University Hospital in Ulm, Germany, under the title "Palliative Care" — Lecture of Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino,"Bewusstsein der Todesnähe und Sterbebettvisionen – faszinierende Erfahrungen kurz vor dem Tod" More...
DOCUMENTARY// “Exploring a Living Spirituality” [2010]
---- Participation in the documentary "Exploring a Living Spiritualit" — Produced by Jim Richards, Luminous World Views, 2010. Download the video: Exploring a Living Spiritualit
NEW Release//”Letters from Palestine” – A new publication of Professor Kenneth Ring, PhD
---- Discover the stunning new publication of Professor Kenneth Ring, PhD. Info :
Participation in the documentary “An der Schwelle zum Jenseits”
"An der Schwelle zum Jenseits: Nahtod-Erlebnisse aus der Sicht von Wissenschaftlern und Betroffenen" Produced by Rainer Fromm und Simone Kienast, Matthias-Film, 2009 Info :...
NEW Release// “Schnittstelle Tod – Aufbruch zu neuem Leben ?” [April 2010]
---- "Schnittstelle Tod – Aufbruch zu neuem Leben ?" Proceedings of the Conference of Aachen, November 7 2009 Ed. by Prof. Dr. med. Walter van Laack. Info :
NEW Article// L’au-delà à l’épreuve de la science [Figaro Magazine – 14.11.2009]
---- Read the article:
NEW Release// “De vorbă cu Angel” [November 2009]
---- Editura For You, Bucharest by Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino. Info : Talking with Angel / Romanian
Conference// “Vortrag über Nahtoderfahrung”, Biel [November 20, 2009]
---- Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino, gives a lecture under the title: — "Near-death experiences, Deathbed visions and After-death communications". More information :
Workshop// “Vécus subjectifs de contact avec un défunt”, INREES, Paris [December 13, 2009]
---- Workshop conducted by Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino, organised by the Institute for Research on Extraordinary Experiences - INREES, Paris: — Sunday, December 13, 2009 - from 2 pm to 6 pm. More information :...
Workshop// “Les EMI ou NDE”, INREES, Paris [December 12, 2009]
---- Workshop conducted by Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino, organised by the Institute for Research on Extraordinary Experiences - INREES, Paris: — Saturday, December 12, 2009 - from 2 pm to 6 pm. More information :...
Conference// “Schnittstelle Tod”, November 7 2009, Aachen
---- At the Conference, Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino gives a lecture under the title: "Auswirkungen von NTE auf die Betroffenen" and animates a workshop on the subject: "Sterbebegleitung und Spiritualität" More Information:...
NEW Release : “Manuel clinique des expériences extraordinaires”, INREES [October 2009]
---- ed. by Stéphane Allix and Paul Bernstein Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino has written the chapters : 3. Near-Death Experience (NDE) 4. Nearing-Death Awareness (NDA) 5. After-Death Communication (ADC) More information :...
NEW article// “Un autre regard sur les expériences autour de la mort” [INREES, 2009]
---- Special publication - Le Magazine de l'INREES, Automn 2009 - by Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino. Info:
NEW Release// “Conversando com Angel ” [Août 2009 – Editora Butterfly, São Paulo]
---- by Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino Info: Elsaesser-Valarino_Book_Talking_with_Angel_Brazil.pdf
NEW Article// Dr. Jean-Jacques Charbonier chronicle : “Le Pays d’Ange” [Juin 2009]
Dr. Jean-Jacques Charbonier, Anesthesiologist Info:
NEW Release// “Was wir aus Nahtoderfahrungen für das Leben gewinnen” [May 2009]
---- New Release : "Was wir aus Nahtoderfahrungen für das Leben gewinnen - Der Lebensrückblick als ultimatives Lerninstrument" by Kenneth Ring and Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino - Published in May 2009, by Santiago Verlag, Goch Info:
NEW Release// “Nahtoderfahrung – Neue Wege der Forschung” [Mai 2009]
---- New release - " Nahtoderfahrung - Neue Wege der Forschung : Tagungsbeiträge 2008" Published in May 2009 by Santiago Verlag, Goch Info:
Workshop// “A different perspective of death” – INREES, Paris [March 21-22, 2009]
---- Workshop conducted by Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino, organised by the Institute for Research on Extraordinary Experiences - INREES — Paris - Saturday 21-Sunday 22, March 2009. Near-death experiences (NDE), Nearing Death Awareness (NDA) and After-Death...
NEW article// En quàªte de l’au-delà [L’Illustré – 18.II.2009]
---- Info:
NEW article// Voir la lumière et revenir à la vie [24 Heures – 21-22.II.2009]
---- Info:
NEW release// “Le pays d’Ange” [January 2009]
---- by Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino Info: Elsaesser-Valarino_Book_Talking_with_Angel_FR.pdf
NEW article// “Bewusstsein der Todesnähe – faszinierende Erfahrungen kurz vor dem Tod”
---- Info:
On air// “La grande soirée du Paranormal” [Friday, October 31, 2008]
---- A TV Show on French channel Direct 8, from 10.30 p.m. to 00.00 p.m. — With the participation of Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino.
NEW article// Aussergewöhnliche Erfahrungen rund um den Tod [Sept. 2008]
-- by Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino – contribution at a symposium org. by the University of Tübingen, April 11-12 2008, proceedings in print. Info: